
Template Event is triggered by the text sent by the bot user. To call the event, you can add both a separate word and a regular expression.

This is necessary for bot testing (you can quickly navigate between different screens). You can also use the event for restarting the bot (on Facebook, Viber, VK, Odnoklassniki platforms). A user will also be able to navigate to the desired screen regardless of the bot place by a code word (for example, to call a chat with an operator).

To create Template, go to Settings → Events and click Add Event. Enter the event Name and select TypeTemplate.

You can use up/down arrow navigation to move the event.

To delete an event, click on the Delete Button.

Template for a specific word

  1. Add and name Template.
  2. In Properties, specify TypeText and its Value — the text that the bot responds to.
  3. In Action, specify Type — choose whether any Screen or Text will be sent to the user when Template is triggered.

Template for a regular expression

  1. Add and name Template.
  2. In Properties, specify TypeRegular Expression and its Value — the required regular expression. Specify Variable Name — an arbitrary variable. If necessary, set regular expression flags.
  3. In Action, specify Type — select whether any Screen or Text will be sent to the user.