Reply to story (Instagram)

The event only works on Instagram.

Reply to story (Insta) event is triggered by a text sent by the user in response to the story of the Instagram account where the bot is connected. To call an event, you can add both a single word and a regular expression.

To create a Reply to story (Insta), go to Settings ➝ Events and click Add Event. Enter the Name of the event and select TypeReply to story (Insta).

To delete an event, click Delete button.

Reply to story (Insta) on a specific word

  1. Add and name Reply to story (Insta) event.
  2. In the Properties, specify TypeText and its Value — the text to which the bot will respond.
  3. In Action, specify Type — select whether any Screen or Text will be sent to the user when the Reply to story (Insta) is triggered.

Reply to story (Insta) by regular expression

  1. Add and name Reply to story (Insta) event.
  2. In the Properties, specify TypeRegular Expression and its Value — the required regular expression. Specify Variable Name — an arbitrary variable. If necessary, we set regular expression flags.
  3. In Action, specify Type — select whether any Screen or Text will be sent to the user.