
Using this section, you can view the list of bot users, filter by tags, names, platforms, screens and ids in the platform.

If you click on the user name, in the opening window, you can see the variables, tags of the user, his location in the bot.

This is necessary for effective testing of the bot, tracking user requests and quick troubleshooting.

For example, if a customer made a payment through a bot, but did not receive the service, you can check this by copying his ID from the User and searching for payments.

Working with testers

In the section, you can make users testers, to whom the bot will respond at the Test plan. To do this, click on Make a tester button opposite the desired user. Using Remove from Testers button, you can remove a user from testers. There can be no more than five testers at the same time.

Telegram groups or chats (with negative IDs) cannot be testers. "Make a tester" button will be inactive for such users.

The active Filter test accounts checkbox shows only the users added to the testers.

If you want to remove a user whose status has been cleared from the testers, click Clear the list of testers. All assigned testers will be deleted, even if the status of all or a specific user has been previously cleared.

Search users by various parameters

You can view the users lists individually for each of the platforms, see all users with certain tags, search for users by platform ID, bm_id, names and the screen with the users.

Mass actions with selected users

To view separately the lists of users who have blocked the bot, users who have a chat with the operator and those who are on the remote screen, you can check the corresponding checkbox. If none of the filters are selected, then all users will be visible.

You can perform mass actions with selected users: assign and delete shortcuts, move users to a specific screen, end the chat. To do this, expand Edit selected users section.

To delete users who have blocked the bot, check Those who blocked the bot checkbox and click Erase selected users.

Editing Tags

Tags are usually automatically assigned when passing tag screens. However, there is an alternative way to add a tag through the Users section.

To force a tag assignment (without assigning a tag through the screen), click Edit Tags.

To assign a tag to a user, select the desired tag from the bottom of the opened window.

All the tags that exist in the bot are displayed here. You can select several tags at once.

Tags will move to the top after selecting. Click Save. Now you can continue working with the user, given that they already have the tag we need.

Display of shared variables

At the end of the section there is a list of all shared variables of the bot. They are not displayed in user variables as regular variables, you can see common variables only in this list.

Click Show shared variables to expand the list.

Shared variables are displayed individually for each platform.

Re-upload shared variables button updates the list of shared variables.

Close shared variables button closes the table of common variables.

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