Trigger event
Trigger event allows you to send a message or a screen to users after a certain time after assigning them a Tag. For example, after the user logs in to the bot Start screen, in a few minutes, hours or days they will receive screens with some news or suggestions.
Trigger event needs at least one minute setup to work. If the bot needs a pause of less than a minute, use Timeout.
Set up Trigger Event by completing the following steps in turn:
1. In Bot Editor, add the Tag component to the screen and choose a name for your tag.
2. Go to Settings and add a new event.
3. Set up the event:
- Choose a name for your event;
- Select Type - Trigger Event;
- In the Tag Name field, enter the same name as in the Tag component that you added earlier in Bot Editor. Tags names in Trigger Settings and Bot Editor must be exactly the same, including spaces, uppercase or lowercase letters, etc.;
- Choose if the user receives a screen or a message. If you select Message, the text of the alert that will be sent to the user as a Trigger must be written immediately in the event settings. When you select a screen, you will receive a message from the selected screen that was previously added in Bot Editor.
- Check End Open Chats if you want Trigger Event to be sent to all users at once, including those who have a chat with the operator open. If you do not check this item, the Trigger will come after the operator or the user completes the chat, if the chat was open. Users will not be affected by this setting if they were not chatting with the operator at the time the trigger was activated;
- Check Create an event if the tag already exists in order not to reassign tags before each new test. Without this function, Trigger Event for one tag will be activated only once, and the tag should be deleted and re-assigned in the Users section before a new test of Trigger Event. You can also set the tag deleting before assigning it in the bot editor. The enabled checkbox Create event if the tag already exists replaces all these manipulations.
4. Save changes.
To test a Trigger Event, assign a Tag to the user.
To get a tag the user must go through the screen with the tag specified in the event settings.
If you are testing the bot before launching, it is more convenient to launch the screen directly. The screen can be launched via the link in the screen settings in the bot editor. To get the link, select the desired screen and copy the link from the sidebar.
Another way to quickly launch the screen is to create a Template event that will lead to the desired screen.
There is also another way to assign a Tag. You need to go to the Users section, then open the Edit Tags subsection and save the changes by adding the desired tag. When adding a tag through the Users section, you do not need to go through the screen with the tag before testing the Trigger Event.
The time when the event is triggered is counted from the moment the Tag is assigned. For example, if the Trigger Event is set for one hour and the user has the Tag at 10 o'clock, the Trigger will come an hour later, i.e. at 11 o'clock.
The Send at a specific time setting will be active only if you set Days, Weeks, or Months in time units.
If you select one of these units of measure, then when sending a Trigger Event, you can select the exact time of day when it will trigger.
For example, if you select Days in Time Unit, the Trigger Event can be sent at a certain time.
If you specify 0 days, the Trigger will come on the same day only if the user has the tag before the time the event was sent. If the tag was set after the Trigger Event time specified in the settings, the Trigger will come the next day.
If you set up a Trigger Event for a period of 1 day or more, you can also send it at a certain time. For example, if you set up the Trigger Event after 1 day at 19:00, it will trigger the next day at 19:00 after the user logs in to the screen with the Tag.
You can move the event by using the up and down arrows.
Click the Delete button to delete an event.