Comment (Instagram)
The event only works on Instagram.
Comment (Insta) event is triggered by a comment under any post in the Instagram account to which the bot is connected. To call an event, you can add both a single word and a regular expression.
When the event is triggered, the user will receive a message or a message request in private messages (depending on how long the user has been communicating with the bot).
If the user has never written to the bot or wrote more than 24 hours ago, then he will receive only one text message in message requests. Outside of the 24-hour window, the message does not get directly into private messages.
If the user communicates with the bot within a 24-hour window, both text and screen will be able to come to private messages.
To create a Comment (Insta), go to Settings ➝ Events and click Add Event. Enter Name of event and select the Type — Comment (Insta).
To delete an event, click the Delete button.
Comment (Insta) on a specific word
- Add and name Comment (Insta).
- In Properties, specify Type — Text and its Value — the text to which the bot will respond.
- In Action, specify Type — select whether any Screen or Text will be sent to the user when the event is triggered.
Comment (Insta) on a regular expression
- Add and name Comment (Insta).
- In Properties, specify Type — Regular Expression and its Value — the required regular expression. Specify Variable Name — an arbitrary variable. If necessary, set regular expression flags.
- In the Action, specify the Type — select whether any Screen or Text will be sent to the user.