The bot has stops without responding

Appoint yourself and your colleagues as testers so that the bot responds to you, or pay for a subscription.

You can find out more about the plans and compare them on the Tariff plans page.

Errors in bot's logic

On Telegram

  1. Try to restart the bot using the /start command and repeat the execution of the error.
  2. Check the cause of the error: you may reach a deadend (an empty screen, no navigation to another screen) or a screen component was not executed due to incorrect execution (incorrect data, blank data).

If the bot does not restart via /start:

  1. Check the token settings.
  2. Click "Save" in the builder. If the bot is still "hanging", try to sending the /start command again.
  3. If the bot is still "hanging", give @Botfather bot /revoke command, get a new token and change the token in settings.

On Facebook, Viber, VK and Ondoklassniki

  1. Add Template event that executes Start screen. Send a command to the bot.
  2. If the bot restarts, check the cause of the error: you may reach a deadend (an empty screen, no transition to another screen) or a screen component was not executed due to incorrect execution (incorrect data).

If the bot does not restart:

  1. Check the platform connection settings.
  2. Click "Save" in the builder. If the bot is still "hanging", try sending the command from Template event again.

On all platforms at once

If the bot stops working on all platforms, but doesn't send any errors, try clicking on the "Save" button in the builder.

Check your email for notifications: it is possible that the bot was blocked due to exceeding the request limit (this happens when the bot is stuck) or for violating User agreement.

Make sure that the bot is open only in one browser tab.

If the bot doesn't start working after the above actions, write to the support chat or to Be sure to specify the email address to which the bot is registered and attach screenshots of the dialog in Telegram.