
With the help of Statistics, you can analyze data and track user actions in the bot.

Statistics is available for a maximum of 90 days.

Statistics of most sections is displayed as graphs. Dates are indicated on the horizontal axis, and various indicators (unique users, blocked users, bot, users and operator messages, conversations, operator connections and all types of mailings) are indicated on the vertical axis.

If you hover the cursor over the graph points, you can see a pop-up window with the date and the number of users or other indicators that were on that date.

At the top of the section, you can choose which time interval should be shown on the graph. You can select specific days or several days to see statistics for this period.

At the top of the section on the left, you can mark the platforms for which statistics will be displayed, on the right you can select a date range. The maximum period that can be selected is 90 days.

Navigation through the statistics sections is displayed on the right. To get to a particular section, click on its name. You can hide this window by clicking on the arrow.

Statistics Charts

New users

This graph shows the number of new users during the selected time period.

Unique users

You can see the number of unique users who wrote to the bot.

This graph shows both the number of all users in one day and the number of unique users for a certain period of time. For example, when a user writes several times a week, he will be defined as one unique user.


These are users that the bot cannot interact to on the blocked platform until the user writes to the bot again to unblock it.

A negative value is displayed on the graph if the user blocked the bot, and the next day unblocked it by writing to it again. If the user blocked and unblocked the bot on the same day, then the indicator on the chart will be 0.


It can be displayed in the bot both in total and in the context of various types, such as messages from users, the bot and the operator.

By default, all curves displaying different types of messages are displayed simultaneously. However, if you click on the name of a specific message type above the graph, the corresponding curve of this type will not be visible. Thus, all types of messages can be viewed separately.


It is worth noted that if a user wrote to a bot, then he did not communicate with the bot for half an hour and wrote again, this will be considered as two separate conversations. Therefore, there may be more conversations than users.

Operator connecting quantity

This section provides information about how many times the operator connected to the dialog, which will allow you to better understand how often operators interact with users.

If you turn on the Display Relative Data switch, information about the number of dialogs in percent appears on the screen. This allows you to compare the number of dialogs on a certain day with the total number of dialogues. For example, if we had 3 dialogs for the whole time, and there were 2 dialogues on March 26, then with relative data included, we will see that March 26 makes up 67 percent of the total number of dialogs (2 dialogs out of 3).


This section allows you to view all types of broadcasts, including scheduled, from external events, periodic and trigger broadcasts. Each type of mailing list can be tracked separately.

Display statistics for one day

When you select a range in one day (using the "Today", "Yesterday" buttons or when you chose one day in the calendar), each hour will be displayed separately on all charts a total of 24 hours. For each hour, you can see the number of users or other indicators, depending on the type of graph. If you hover the cursor over a point on the curve, the date, time, and corresponding data values will be displayed.


This graph shows the number of tags for the selected time period and the date they were installed and deleted. Tags can be turned off by clicking on the shortcut name, so that the shortcut name becomes crossed out and the graph for installing this shortcut disappears.

You can make all tags on the chart invisible at the same time using the Hide all tags checkbox.

If there were no installed shortcuts during the selected time period, the graph will be empty.

All tags and the number of users assigned to each tag are displayed below the graph.


This section displays all the screens that users visited in the bot, as well as the number of users who visited each screen. You can disable the display of the Start screen, since each user starts his journey in the bot from this screen.

Return rate

In order to see how often users return to the bot, select the desired time interval and click Request data on returns.

Please note that the maximum range that can be selected is two weeks. This means that you can analyze the statistics of returns for any two weeks during the last three months.

After clicking the Request Returns Data button, a table with refunds will appear at the very end of the Statistics section.

The first column of the table shows the dates, depending on the selected interval.

Day 0 is the day from which the countdown of returns begins. The zero-day column shows the number of new users who wrote to the bot for the first time. In our example, on day zero (March 27), 7 users wrote to the bot.

On day 1 (March 28), 100% of yesterday users wrote, that is 7 people.

On day 2 (March 29), no one out of 7 users who logged in for the first time on day zero wrote to the bot. But 4 new users wrote - this can be seen on day zero opposite the March 29column.

And so on - dates are displayed from top to bottom and, in turn, relative to each date, returned users are displayed from left to right.

The return rate is displayed in percent. However, if you hover the mouse pointer over the percentage, you can see the number of people who returned in absolute numbers, not in percent.

Download statistics

You can download statistics in the form of a table using the links at the bottom of the section.

CSV statistics is statistics for the selected period. A table with the following columns is downloaded:

  • Date.
  • The total number of conversations in the bot. If a user wrote to a bot, then he did not communicate with the bot for half an hour and wrote again, this will be considered as two separate conversations. Therefore, there may be more conversations than users.
  • The number of users.
  • The average number of messages in a conversation.
  • The number of conversations per user.
  • The average duration of the conversation in the bot in minutes.
  • The number and names of user tags.

CSV statistics for all time is when statistics is downloaded for a maximum of 90 days.
Export of dialogs for all time is all dialogs with all users who wrote to the bot.
Link statistics in CSV is the number of clicks on links and links that users followed from the bot. Link statistics is collected if the link shortening feature is enabled in the component.

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