Publication in channel (Telegram)
Publication in channel (Telegram) event is triggered when a post is published in an open Telegram channel. When an event is triggered, a new publication will appear in the channel with the text or screen of the specified event.
Before setting up the event, add the bot as an administrator with all rights to the channel where the event should come. To do this, open the channel settings, go to the Administrators section, click Add Administrator, add the bot to admins, check that it has all the necessary rights and click Done.
You also need to Enable work in channels in the Settings section.
Scroll through the Settings to the Events section and click Add Event. Enter the Event Name and select Type — Publication in channel (Telegram).
You can move the event with the up and down arrows.
To turn off an event without deleting it, click the Turn Off button.
To delete an event, click the Delete button.
In Action, specify Type and select what will be sent to the event trigger channel — Screen or Text.