
Message component

Message component sends a message to the user — text, signs, or emojis.

Protect content

Message component supports the content protection function in Telegram. When the Protect Content checkbox is active in the component settings, the bot user will not be able to copy and forward the information from the message.

Text formatting

On Telegram

On Telegram you can format text using HTML:

<b>This sentence should be in bold</b>
<i>This sentence should be in italics</i>
<code>This text should be displayed as code</code>
<s>This text should be strikethrough</s>
<u>This text should be underlined</u>
<pre language="javascript">  
  And this text 
  should support multi-line 
  code formatting


<tg-spoiler>This text will be hidden until you click on it</tg-spoiler>

<blockquote>This text should look like a quote</blockquote>

<pre><code class="language-python">message = "This text should be as a formatted fixed-width code block written in the programming language you specified. In the example, we use Python" print(message)</code></pre>

The signs "more" and "less" Telegram perceives as not closed tags, so the screen with these signs will not come. To avoid this error, we recommend using symbols like in this example:

A hyperlink (a link in the text) can be created as follows:

<a href="link">text</a>

Where link is the link.

If a link is written to a variable, it can be displayed in double curly braces in the hyperlink:

<a href="{{link}}">text</a>

On Facebook

On Facebook formatting works only in the web version:

*This sentence should be in bold*
_This sentence should be in italics_
~This text should be strikethrough~
```This text should be formatted as code, in a monospaced font```

On Viber

*This sentence should be in bold*
_This sentence should be in italics_
~This text should be strikethrough~
```This text should be formatted as code, in a monospaced font```

On WhatsApp

*This sentence should be in bold*
_This sentence should be in italics_
~This text should be strikethrough~
```This text should be formatted as code, in a monospaced font```
VK и Instagram does not support text formatting.

Text length in different platforms

Telegram, VK, Odnoklassniki and WhatsApp (Edna) support a maximum of 4096 characters of the Latin alphabet. If there is more — a message just will not come, but it will be displayed in the Dialogs.

Facebook accepts text of any length, but cuts it after 1999 characters (including the ellipsis at the end).

WhatsApp (Pact) accepts at least 14 000 characters in Cyrillic and Latin letters.

Viber supports 7000 characters of the Latin alphabet and about 5700 characters in Cyrillic.

On Instagram, you can send a maximum of 499 text symbols in Cyrillic (500 in total, 1 symbol per ellipsis) and 999 text symbols in Latin (1000 in total, 1 character per ellipsis). Emojis can take up more than 1 character — you need to take this into account.

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